Sunday, August 12, 2007

Welcome to my new personal .com

Hey i just have a new personal domain . I will break up my writing entry as the following:

- My own trading Strategy (Google)
- Option basic
- Technical analysis
- Fundemental analysis
- Daily Trades
- Many More Stuff to be included

- Daily Trades

For those who are new to my blog, i would like to say a BIG WELCOME to the world of trading. For those who visited my blog, i would like you guys to visit my new domain as i have put up many interesting stuff regarding trading and options.

As promiss , i have already write up my Google Trading System strategy 1. You guys will be able to read it at my new site .

Thank you guys for the support of visiting my blog. I will make it better and informative as i can in my new site.

1 comment:

Greeksman said...


I have posted my comments on your GTS from purely greeks perspective for your understanding. So, if you wish, you are welcome to go to my discussion board.

Good luck!