Friday, August 31, 2007

Trading without stress in a confuse market

GOOG OCT 510 Call +88 (ATM)
GOOG OCT 510 Put -52

Net profit: 36

GOOG OCT 520 Call +108 (OTM)
GOOG OCT 500 Put -72

Net profit: 36

I traded google yesterday when google is at 510. Today i took profit when google traded at 511.

Well i know for sure is not the price of the google that make the profit but is the OPTION of the google. This is the power of option strategy. Seriously when i traded this way, i really have no stress haha. ;D Im still in the mist of finding out how the greek really work for this kind of strategy.

Im looking forward to attend OptionUniversity course which is run by AKLTG this coming november ... ;D

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